7 Ways to Thank a Caregiver

Caregivers are special people. They are patient, compassionate, kind and of course, caring. But caring for a person in need is not easy. It’s all about giving, but rarely does it involve receiving. That’s why making an effort to appreciate your caregiver is extremely important. Whether you hired a caregiver or have a family caregiver helping your loved one, expressing thanks will really make their day.
Since it can be difficult to know how to express that gratitude, here are 7 ways to thank a caregiver:
1) Express Your Gratitude Verbally – This may sound simplistic, but too many people forget how much words of appreciation matter. Thank your caregiver when you notice him or her showing compassion and patience toward your loved one. Thank him or her when they provide you with a report of the day. Thank your caregiver when you notice an improvement in your loved one or when you recognize that the companionship they provide is making a difference.
2) Include Family Caregivers in Your Gift-Giving – If you normally send your loved one flowers or a gift on a particular holiday, send your family caregiver something as well. This is especially nice to do if you are sending “get well flowers” to a loved one and the caregiver is helping them get through the recovery.
3) Make Their Holiday Special – If you have hired a caregiver to assist with your loved one on a holiday, do what you can to make it a special holiday for the caregiver as well. Perhaps give them a gift basket or some flowers to show your appreciation for the fact that they are taking time away from their family to help yours.
4) Let the Supervisor Know – If you are particularly fond of a hired caregiver, let their supervisor know. Share some examples of how the caregiver goes above and beyond so that they can be recognized in their place of work.
5) Leave a Card – If you don’t see your loved one’s caregiver very much and therefore don’t get to express in words your appreciation, leave a card for him or her that expresses your gratitude and shows them you recognize their hard work.
6) Give Your Family Caregiver a Day Off – It can be difficult for a family caregiver to ask for help from other family members. Don’t make them ask! Show up and relieve them of their duties for a block of time. Maybe even have a fun outing planned for him or her.
7) Give Them a Bonus – A good caregiver is a valuable asset to a family. Find out what kind of bonuses are allowed by the company the caregiver works for so that you can show them how valuable they are to you by giving them some extra pocket money.