Nursing Home Alternatives

When the time comes for a loved one to receive care, a nursing home is typically the first thing that pops in our minds, and that thought can often make us cringe. Long gone are the days, however, when nursing homes were one of the only options. There are a number of nursing home alternatives that should be considered. The option you choose will depend on the level of care your loved one needs and the finances you have available, as well as the desires and wishes of your loved one.
Nursing Home Alternatives
Home Care – Living in your own home is obviously more appealing than living in a nursing home, and many seniors do not require round-the-clock care like you would get in a nursing home. That’s why home care is the favored senior care option for many families. Care can be customized to your loved one’s and the family’s needs, depending on the schedule and care needed. It is a wonderful way for your loved one to enjoy the pleasures of home while getting the care they need. Home care services range from personal care tasks like bathing, dressing, toileting and medication reminders to household assistance with cooking, cleaning and bill paying, or even just providing companion care to keep your loved one company. This option can often work out to be the least expensive nursing home alternative since full time care is not usually necessary and you only pay for the hours of care your loved one needs. To learn more about home care, click here.
Assisted Living Facilities – These facilities provide residents with either their own room or an apartment within the building. They offer assistance with the activities of daily living, and many times with additional activities like medication management. Meals are generally eaten in groups and recreational activities are usually offered as well. This nursing home alternative offers a level of independence with a high level of socialization as well. It’s less independent than hiring home care aides in your own home, yet more independent than living in a nursing home.
Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) – These communities differ from most retirement communities because they offer several levels of care and independence levels, ranging from individual homes to apartments to assisted living facilities to nursing homes. As a loved one’s needs change, he or she can be moved to a different level of care within the community. Entry fees and monthly fees can be high with this option.
Adult Day Care Centers – This option provides a place where you can take a senior loved one to be cared for while you can’t be with him or her. It is typically utilized during business hours when family caregivers are at work. Activities are provided to keep your loved one entertained and it provides your loved one with the socialization he or she might be missing.
Respite Care – This type of care is short term. It includes the word “respite” in its name because it allows the family member who is providing the loved one’s care to rest. It can be utilized if the family caregiver wants to go on a vacation, has business to attend to or simply needs a rest. Respite care can be provided by home care aides so that your loved one can remain in their home or it can be provided by a respite care center, which you would take your loved one to. To learn more about respite care, click here.