Wellness Tips for Staying Young as You Age

We all have a perception of what being a senior looks like, and usually it includes needing glasses, slowing down physically and forgetting more things. But why is it that there are some men and women in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s that seem much younger than others? Those “young seniors” may not realize it, but they know and practice the secrets to remaining young as you age.
While you can’t change heredity factors that might lead you to a chronic disease, you can change the poor health habits that likely contributed to those chronic diseases in your family members.
Sometimes we need to pay more attention to the habits we inherit from our family than the health history of our family. For example, does your family tend to overeat, eat foods that contribute to high cholesterol, smoke, or remain inactive too often? You can be the first to change your family health history by practicing healthy lifestyle habits that will help you prevent chronic disease and stay young.
Top 5 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Preserve Your Youth
It’s no mystery that nutrition is one of the key ways we can enjoy better health and wellness, but many people don’t realize that the foods we choose can determine how old we feel. This is especially important as we age because along with aging comes decreased metabolism, slower digestion, and changes in our sense of taste and smell. Adapting with your body is important to ensure you are getting the nutrition you need in your senior years.
Seniors should eat a lot of fruits, veggies and whole grains to ensure they are getting enough fiber to assist their slowing digestion. Instead of loading up on salt to add flavor to their foods and counteract their decreasing taste buds, they should use herbs and spices. Seniors should also make sure to eat a diet that is high in healthy fats to help with brain and bone health. Green tea is a great drink for seniors because it boosts metabolism and immunity.
For tips and useful information about nutrition, click here.
Physical Activity
Seniors who stay active stay healthy. Exercise is absolutely vital for our health, and that doesn’t change as we age. It helps keep you physically and mentally healthy, warding off chronic disease and easing chronic pain. It boosts your mood and immunity, strengthens bones, keeps the heart healthy and is important for keeping you young in body and mind.
Be sure to consult your physician to come up with an exercise regime that works for you individually. Try to incorporate strength training, aerobic exercise, and balance and flexibility exercises into your routine.
Mental Stimulation
Memory and mental clarity doesn’t have to decrease with age. Just like you need to keep your body active, your brain can only stay in shape when you keep it active. It is easy for your brain to decline when you retire from work and have less mental and social stimulation.
It’s important to stimulate your mind by learning new things or by enhancing what you already know. Use your creativity, take a class, read every day, play games, do crossword puzzles, have deep discussions, and get involved in a project or cause you are passionate about.
Socially Engaged
It’s too easy for aging seniors to find themselves isolated and alone. As friends and spouses pass, and if getting around is becoming more difficult, seniors can end up alone. To stay young longer, it is extremely important that they continue to engage socially.
Strive to spend face-to-face time with at least one person each day. Be careful whom you spend your time with as well. Socialize with people who make you laugh and help you feel young, because it will do wonders for your own health and longevity.
Sleep issues are something many people deal with, and unfortunately as we age, it only gets worse. Seniors often experience insomnia, frequent waking during the night and daytime sleepiness. The good news is that sleep issues can be improved when lifestyle changes are made.
As you age, you might find that you get tired earlier, and it is important to honor your body and adjust the time you retire to match the time you naturally feel tired. It is also important to develop night time rituals that prepare your body for sleep, such as taking a relaxing bath or dimming the lights and refraining from eating and drinking stimulating foods and beverages.
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