
Enjoy LIFE with your loved ones. Leave the care to us.

Transportation Options for Seniors

Transportation Options for Seniors

As seniors age, it gets harder and harder for them to leave their homes, especially when they are no longer able to drive. Unfortunately, seniors who are stuck home alone endure loneliness and depression. Getting out into the world keeps people healthier longer. Thankfully there are several transportation options for seniors: Family & Friends Take…
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How to Set Boundaries When an Elder Loved One Moves In

How to Set Boundaries When an Elder Loved One Moves In

When you are planning to move an elder loved one in with you, it is important that you set up boundaries from the beginning, and that those boundaries are communicated in a way that all parties involved clearly understand them. We all need space and we all need rules to make such a situation work.…
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Tips for New Caregivers

7 Tips for New Caregivers

According to the AARP, about 80% of elderly care is provided by family members and friends. If you are a new caregiver, you are probably feeling a lot of stress and you probably have a lot of questions, fears and frustrations. Here are some tips for new caregivers to help you relieve that stress and…
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How to Encourage Creativity in Kids-FDP-David Castillo Dominici

How to Encourage Creativity in Kids

Creativity is defined by The New Oxford American Dictionary as the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Creativity can be applied to anything we do or think about, and while some people are naturally more creative than others, it is a skill that can be learned.…
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Nursing Home Alternatives PD

Nursing Home Alternatives

When the time comes for a loved one to receive care, a nursing home is typically the first thing that pops in our minds, and that thought can often make us cringe. Long gone are the days, however, when nursing homes were one of the only options. There are a number of nursing home alternatives…
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How to Cope With the Stress of Senior Home CareFDP-stockimages

How to Cope With the Stress of Senior Home Care

When a loved one needs care at home, it can bring on a lot of added stress and emotional distress. Of course you want the best for your loved one, so it becomes easy to take on additional responsibilities, and if you have a family of your own, it makes it even more difficult. It’s…
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How to Create a Caregiving Plan_FDP-hin255

How to Create a Caregiving Plan

When a loved one needs care, it can be quite a trying time for the family, one that often involves emotional distress and a bit of chaos as the family adjusts to a new schedule and additional responsibilities. While there is nothing that can completely take that away, being organized and having a caregiving plan…
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How to Create a Needs Assessment-FDP-phasinphoto

How to Create a Needs Assessment

It is important for family caregivers to know how to create a needs assessment so that they have a grasp on all the information and details that need to be attended to for a loved one who needs home care. Following is a needs assessment outline and checklist that will help you put one together.…
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Tips for Talking With a Loved One About a Care Program

5 Tips for Talking With a Loved One About a Care Plan

There comes a time when having a talk with a loved one about a care plan for him or her will be necessary. It’s a tough conversation to have for many people. That’s why we are providing you with the following tips for talking with a loved one about a care plan: 1)   Have the…
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Tips for Living Independently With a Disability-FDP-Praisaeng

6 Tips for Living Independently With a Disability

These days, it is easier than ever for people with a disability to live independently in their own homes. Living independently doesn’t mean they can do everything themselves; it just means they want the same amount of control over their lives as those who don’t have disabilities, and they do what is necessary to ensure…
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