How to Create a Caregiving Plan

When a loved one needs care, it can be quite a trying time for the family, one that often involves emotional distress and a bit of chaos as the family adjusts to a new schedule and additional responsibilities. While there is nothing that can completely take that away, being organized and having a caregiving plan can help reduce some of the chaos and the unknowns. Here are some tips about how to create a caregiving plan.
Caregiving Plan Step 1: Gather Information
Having all of the information you need to maintain a successful care plan at your fingertips is one of the best ways to ensure a smoother transition into caring for a loved one. It makes doctor’s appointments, sudden issues and living arrangements much easier, and it helps to ensure that each member of the caregiving team is on the same page. Click here for a Needs Assessment Checklist that will guide you through ensuring you have all the info you will need.
Caregiving Plan Step 2: Create a Caregiving Team
By bringing together all of the people who will be part of the caregiving team, you can discuss together what the best way is to proceed, who can help out where, and where you will need to fill in the blanks by hiring outside home care providers.
It is best to assign a point person who can oversee the team. From there, each person can be assigned caregiving tasks based on their skills, schedules and resources. The key is to make sure no one person is taking on too much. If many people help out, caregiver burnout can be avoided.
Don’t forget that depending on the loved one’s state, his or her input should be of the utmost importance. Make sure to include your loved one in the decision-making process as long as he or she is capable.
Caregiving Plan Step 3: Create a Written Plan
A written plan will help to ensure everyone is on the same page and will ensure details aren’t forgotten or misunderstood. It maps out the plan of action, listing steps that need to be taken, who will carry out those steps, and the timeline each step should be completed in. Make sure each member of the caregiving team has a copy of the written plan, and leave room for flexibility since adjustments might need to be made along the way.
Photo Credit:, hin255