Signs That a Loved One Needs Help in Their Home

As a loved one ages, it is easy to be confused as to whether or not the symptoms they are experiencing are merely due to the normal aging process or whether it is something you should be concerned about. The key to remember is that occasional memory lapses are probably normal, whereas forgetting how something functions is not.
Look for signs in the following categories:
- Difficulty performing familiar tasks
- Memory loss that interrupts daily tasks
- Forgetting how well-known objects function
- Poor judgment
- Incoherent language
- Social inappropriateness
- Hallucinations and delusions
- Stiff movement or postural issues
There are many signs to look out for to determine if a loved one could benefit from home care:
- Attention to personal hygiene is declining, including: failing to change clothes for days, unkempt hair, body odor, inappropriate clothes for the weather or atmosphere, or infrequent bathing or grooming
- Mismanagement of medications
- Decline in driving skills
- Mismanagement of household bills
- Reluctance to leaving the house
- Unkempt house and clutter piling up
- Laundry not being done
- Spoiled food in fridge or kitchen cabinets
- Stacks of unopened mail
- Sings of depression including: not spending time with friends or family, disturbed sleep, hopelessness, lack of interest in hobbies and activities, loss of interest in eating, or feeling lonely or sad
- Missed doctor appointments
- Recent hospitalization or injury
- Complicated medical issues or medications
- Unexplained bruises, cuts and scrapes
- Trouble with balancing or walking
- Loss of weight
- Extreme mood swings
- Forgetfulness, confusion or memory loss
- Pets not being cared for properly
- Trouble getting around on their own
While home care is often the best solution, there are also a few times when home care is not the best option. Examples include:
- If frequent treatments or intravenous medications are needed and you can’t afford continuous round-the-clock home care
- Not enough room for medical equipment
- Unsafe conditions inside the house that cannot be rectified
- Unsafe neighborhoods