Resource Articles

What Supplements Should Seniors

What Supplements Should Seniors Take?

As we age, we are more at risk of nutrient deficiencies. Supplements can be an effective way to ensure seniors get the nutrients they need. There are so many choices available and it can be easy to wonder, “What supplements should seniors take?” In our senior years, our organs begin to slow down, making it…
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Why is Respite Care Important Image

Why is Respite Care Important?

Respite care is a term that is often misunderstood. Many people associate it with being selfish, frivolous or unnecessary. It is extremely undervalued by those who don’t really understand it, and for those who do understand and use it, it is something they can’t live without. In order to answer the question, Why is respite…
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Pediatric Care

What is Pediatric Home Care?

What is Pediatric Home Care? Pediatric home care provides families who are in need of care for a child with an alternative to extended hospitalization in a health care facility. With pediatric home care, children of all ages can be cared for in the comfort of their own home, allowing them to enjoy a family…
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How to Manage Arthritis

Arthritis is a painful disease that ails about 30 million Americans every year, and while it can certainly detract from your quality of life, there are ways to manage arthritis to reduce its painful effects. Too many people rely on pain killers to manage their arthritis, but taking too much medication can lead to other…
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How to Ensure People With Dementia Eat Enough

Healthy Snack Ideas for Seniors

Healthy snacking is important for seniors to help address aging health issues. The wrong snacks can worsen conditions like diabetes and arthritis, while the right snacks can improve them. It can be difficult to know how to provide healthy snacks for seniors because they face unique diet challenges that can result in malnutrition. They may…
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How to Cope With a Disability

How to Cope With a Disability

Knowing how to cope with a disability can be an incredible challenge. Typically having a disability means it will be harder and take longer to perform certain activities, and it might make doing certain things impossible. Nobody wants to live that way, but there are ways to reduce the frustration and difficulty of dealing with…
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How to Resond to Dementia

How to Respond When Dementia Speaks

Dementia is not only a disease that affects the memory; it often leads people with dementia to say outrageous things as well. It can be difficult to know how to respond when dementia speaks. That’s why we’ve put together our “how to respond when dementia speaks” tips: 1)   The key is to not let embarrassment…
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Helping Your Child With Homework

Tips for Helping Kids with their Homework

Homework is an opportunity to interact with your children, to teach them a work ethic, and to spend time showing them you are interested in what they are working on. Whether you have a child who struggles with homework or one who breezes through it, it is always a good idea to be a part…
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Healthy Middle Aged Woman

16 Strategies to Prevent Cancer

Cancer seems to affect us all. Whether it’s you personally or a loved one, cancer has become something almost all of us have to deal with in one way or another. Statistically, one in four deaths in the United States is due to cancer. More and more findings are revealing that lifestyle plays a huge…
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Senior Couple on Social Media

Benefits of Social Media for Seniors

Seniors across the country have joined the social media world. They are the fastest growing demographic on Facebook, and they are getting great enjoyment out of their social media interactions, not to mention enjoying the many health benefits of social media for seniors. How Seniors Use Social Media: 1)   Staying in Touch – One of…
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